RTP: Catalysts for Innovation

Background: The Research Triangle Park is committed to working in partnership with the Triangle Universities to identify, develop and implement meaningful activities that will be housed within the new Park Center development located at the core of RTP. The purpose of this initiative is to identify new university activities that would benefit from a partnership leveraging the RTP, Triangle universities, and the private sector. As part of this effort, The RTP Frontier offers flexible space which will be available to projects, through the Research Triangle Foundation (RTF) and the Triangle Universities Center for Advanced Studies Inc. (TUCASI), as a convening point for projects, teams and centers to locate. This initiative is intended to identify and seed creative forward thinking projects that can be developed in the RTP with access to industry partners and the greater Triangle community.
The Goal: To launch collaborations that incubate and advance partnerships among researchers, educators, entrepreneurs, private sector innovators, and economic development practitioners, advancing new knowledge, and academic/private sector engagements across diverse disciplines. Selected projects will have up to 2 years to explore, develop and grow their specific project objectives with an aim towards scalability and sustainability beyond the initial support being provided.
Partner Network
Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology & Science at NC State
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Frontier @TheRTP
Eisenhower Fellowship: Be Inspired & Take Action