Eisenhower Fellowship: Be Inspired & Take Action

As I prepare to leave for Philadelphia for the 2016 Eisenhower Fellowship Orientation, I am filled with the hopeful anticipation of beginning a wonderful journey that will last the rest of my life.
The excitement around my upcoming travels to Sweden and Saudi Arabia to explore university research parks as destinations for innovation driven by design, bold ideas, and inspiring leaders is building… I leave for Sweden June 5th and Saudi Arabia October 3rd (65 days and 185 days respectively, but who is counting…). My ongoing research on national thought leaders and use of the existing Multi-National Eisenhower Fellows network has already established a meaningful foundation for my time in these beautiful countries, as well as identified ways that my experiences with Research Triangle Park may be of service.
In preparing to meet with my new group of peers, it has been important to me to look through the biographies of the other 2016 Eisenhower Fellows: 23 Multi-National Fellows and 10 USA Fellows. During our time together we will share our passions and interests and find even greater inspiration in each other.
It is this last point that has absolutely captivated me. As I learn more about my fellow Eisenhower honorees I am awestruck by the tremendous talent, selflessness, and meaningful work that each takes on every day to make our world more just, healthy, connected, and peaceful. They are all amazing individuals!
If you were looking for inspiration today (or any day), learn more about these wonderful people (many of them may be in your own community) and find hope for our shared future!
And finally, an invitation….
If you know of others that have a passion for global service and exemplify the mission statement of the Eisenhower Fellowship, please nominate them for the 2017 Multi-National or USA Programs using the links below.
2017 Multi-National Program Application
EISENHOWER FELLOWSHIP MISSION: Eisenhower Fellowships identifies, empowers and connects innovative leaders through a transformative fellowship experience and lifelong engagement in a global network of dynamic change agents committed to creating a world more peaceful, prosperous and just.
RTP: Catalysts for Innovation
Embracing Openness in the Heart of Research Triangle Park