Start-up & Corporate Relationships: Going beyond the perceptions

As the Chief Operating Officer for Research Triangle Park I have the privileged opportunity to engage with both the vibrant and creative entrepreneurial community of the Triangle as well as the large corporations located in RTP. For me, some days it is suit, tie and marble toped conference rooms.  Other days are T-shirt, jeans and […]

Mason Ailstock

The Berlin Wall Comes to The Frontier @TheRTP

Mason Ailstock

Research Park Venn Diagram

Research Park Venn Diagram After searching for new ways to express my approach to operations and how I envisioned the interactions between business development, marketing, communications, real estate and programming at the Research Triangle Park I stumbled upon this beautiful yet simple image. I found it inspiring because it conveys what I believe to be […]

Mason Ailstock

Why an Eisenhower Fellowship…

I believe the conditions we create make the difference between a place to simply work and a vibrant community full of inspired people. RTP is on the verge of a tremendous transformation that will revolutionize the way in which research parks are perceived and utilized. Under the leadership of our Foundation, RTP has already invested […]

Mason Ailstock

Becoming an Eisenhower Fellow

This blog was originally posted to I will post future blogs to this website. Thanks for following my Eisenhower Fellowship journey! Waiting to find out if I had been chosen as an Eisenhower Fellow was a true lesson in patience. Until I got the official word that I had been selected for the 2016 […]

Mason Ailstock

2016 Eisenhower Fellows

The 2016 USA Eisenhower Fellows are: Mason Ailstock, COO, Research Triangle Park Foundation, Raleigh, NC; Quinn Bauriedel, Co-Founder and Co-Artistic Director, Pig Iron Theatre Company, Philadelphia, PA; Vanessa Cooksey, Senior Vice President and Head of Community Affairs, Wells Fargo Advisors, St. Louis, MO; Kathryn Finney, Founder and Director, digitalundivided, New York, NY; Daniel Gallant, Executive Director, […]

Mason Ailstock
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